Impurities Analysis

A champion of engineers at JAS can configure any configuration and do not see any limitation in provinding Solutions to our customer. The number of applications of impurity analyzers is unlimited. Using detectors as the Pulsed Discharged Helium Ionization Detector with purged valves for the impurity analysis of permanent gases in pure gases or medical gases or Air impurities. Nothing is too crazy. We can combine analyzers that can do liquides and gases in the same anlayzer taking in account all the hardware and software that is needed for the application.

Impurities in Ethylene/Propylene

– ASTM D2504/D2505/D6159

Impurities in MAH

– ASTM D5917 - 09

Impurities in H2/N2/O2/CO2


Impurities in water

– BTEX/volatile organic compounds in water using Headspace/Purge and Trap (OI)

Download the application note: trace Hydrocarbons and Fixed gases in Propylene and Ethyelene gas according ASTM D6159 and ASTM D2712.